Welcome to the latest Reno Elks Lodge members.
From L to R
Group 1: Seated - Joe Maroney, Alynn Hildebrand, Cynthia Cale, Stephanie Hillebrand, Kelly Griffin, Taylor Dorey, Mari Hannifin, Kari Cordisco, Kelly Anderson, Julie Mantz and Sara Cardoza.
Standing - Amy Anderson, Bob Carnahan, Chris Dondero, Kimberly Anastassatos, Scott Campbell, Andy Hickey, John Harrigan, and Darin Balaam.
Group 2: Seated - Victoria King, Lori Umphress, Melanie Mahan, Rebekah Patton, Donna Lauger, Jane Prescott, Andrew Howard, and Perry McMahon.
Standing - Steve Hixon, T.J. Koewler, Justin Renningger, Austin Pollard, Bill Schy, Bill Singer, Marie-Louise Quinn, and Nicole King.
Not pictured: Stephen Graves.
